Frilled Shark

Sharks! When the hell have they been cute, huh? :)

This Frill Shark is the ugliest of all the sharks out there. Wikipedia says,
The frilled shark was first scientifically recognized by German ichthyologist Ludwig Döderlein, who visited Japan between 1879 and 1881 and brought two specimens to Vienna.
This shark is named so because it has 6 pairs of gills that are collar-like with frilly edges. Deep down the sea within 160 to 660 feet (50 - 200 meters) in Japan (Saruga Bay in specific), these Frilled Sharks mostly eat up the squids.

Ugly Animals - Frilled Shark

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fourth one down(second from bottom) is not a frilled shark but as a matter of fact a Goblin Shark. And your ignorance and bias on this page causes me real physical pain. Sharks are important to the ecosystem, not just that but to the ocean. That thing that allows for the production of nearly all the earth's oxygen. Beautiful creatures if you ask me. Much more then humans.

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