COMPASSION and Animals
As a soul community (humanity), we are now more than ever before being given a chance, a window, to decide on our fate. Each of us has the option to clear our karma by deciding to be of service to one another, the animals, and our planet. The forces of the universe are here to support & guide us in our intentions. Choose from the heart, it knows the way... Shiri Joshua, S.O.U.L. Academy, School of Compassion founder
Prayer Circle for Animals
Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to
uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves.
Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this
prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:
What’s the most effective way that you can help prevent animal cruelty? Well, unless you’re abusing animals regularly, the most effective way to help prevent animal cruelty (and it is extremely effective) is to quit eating them, eating their products, wearing them and using them.
"It is now a time of great awakening. We call
upon humanity in an invitation to consider that
we need your help in the healing of the planet;
we are its co-guardians, and are also here to live
a life of joy, love, and collaboration. That is our
sole purpose and mission. Please let us guide
~The Animals
excerpt from the amazing book: "The Animals' Messenger: A TALE OF TRUTH AND PURPOSE" SHIRI JOSHUA, the animal human communicator
and the founder of S.O.U.L. Academy
upon humanity in an invitation to consider that
we need your help in the healing of the planet;
we are its co-guardians, and are also here to live
a life of joy, love, and collaboration. That is our
sole purpose and mission. Please let us guide
~The Animals
excerpt from the amazing book: "The Animals' Messenger: A TALE OF TRUTH AND PURPOSE" SHIRI JOSHUA, the animal human communicator
and the founder of S.O.U.L. Academy Moments with Baxter World Peace Diet & Universal Love in & for ALL Divine creatures
Avoid Mass Confinement Factory Farming at all Costs
Fish Have Feelings
A Prayer for Animals by Albert Schweitzer*
Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for animals that are overworked, underfed and cruelly treated;
for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.
Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals,
and so to share the blessings of the merciful.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving:
Spirit of Life, Spirit of Love, dear God,
We pause this day to acknowledge the suffering of the countless
birds, innocent and sensitive.
We pause this day to acknowledge the suffering and pain that many
animals experience every day.
We pause to name our own pain and frustration at what feels like
our powerlessness to end the suffering..
Be with the animals, and with us, in the horror of slaughter and
Amidst this suffering we pause to acknowledge the beauty that
resides beside the brokenness.
We acknowledge the many ways in which we can and do make a
difference as we strive together in this community of solidarity with Life.
We acknowledge the joy as well as the sorrow that is the result of
our recognition of our interdependence.
We are grateful for the wonder of creation, for our place in it,
for all beings and our connection to them all.
May we live from a place of compassion for all beings, human and
otherwise, so that the Love by which we are called, in which we live and
move and have our being, may be made manifest in all that we do and all that
we are.
May we support one another and witness to the power of choice to
create a more just, loving, and beautiful world for all beings.
All my love and affection to you all, my dear companions on this journey.
Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, CCDC
President, Unitariain Universalist Animal Ministry
We joyfully give thanks for this our meal of love and peace,
For no one's child lies on our plate. None suffered for our feast.
We pray for peace on earth for all and grace to do our part.
To God and to all life we are connected heart to heart.
May every creature abound in well-being and peace.
May every living being, weak or strong, the long and the small
The short and the medium-sized, the mean and the great.
May every living being, seen or unseen, those dwelling far off,
Those nearby, those already born, those waiting to be born,
May all attain inward peace.
Let no one deceive another, Let no one despise another in any situation,
Let no one, from antipathy or hatred, wish evil to anyone at all.
Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her only son from hurt,
So within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature.
Display a heart of boundless love for all the world,
In all its height and depth and broad extent,
Love unrestrained, without hate or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome by drowsiness,
Devote your mind entirely to this, it is known as living here life divine."
May every living being, weak or strong, the long and the small
The short and the medium-sized, the mean and the great.
May every living being, seen or unseen, those dwelling far off,
Those nearby, those already born, those waiting to be born,
May all attain inward peace.
Let no one deceive another, Let no one despise another in any situation,
Let no one, from antipathy or hatred, wish evil to anyone at all.
Just as a mother, with her own life, protects her only son from hurt,
So within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature.
Display a heart of boundless love for all the world,
In all its height and depth and broad extent,
Love unrestrained, without hate or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk, sit or lie, until overcome by drowsiness,
Devote your mind entirely to this, it is known as living here life divine."
May all beings be happy. May all beings be free.
Where Turkey Is The Guest, Not The Entree : The Salt : NPR
BBC News - Battery hens 'deserve a second chance'
Peace Begins with You
One Hundred Crosses to Remember Animal Victims | Our Hen House
BBC News - Battery hens 'deserve a second chance'
Peace Begins with You
One Hundred Crosses to Remember Animal Victims | Our Hen House
Marc Bekoff, is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He is also the co-founder (with primatologist Jane Goodall) of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The animals have a friend in this particular scientist. Many researchers still hang on tightly to their perception that animals are so different from us, and indeed inferior, that we somehow have a right to exploit them.
However, Bekoff is one of the growing number of scientists who are beginning to document evidence that animals experience emotions, that they are capable of intense psychological as well as physical suffering, and that they possess wisdom that we are only beginning to glimpse. Bekoff was recently featured in an article in which he stressed his conclusion that animals show a sense of morality. You can read the story and watch 6 amazing videos of animal morality at
Little boy and rooster sharing cute! – YouTube
I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters
and all living creatures in the waters, skies, and lands of this Earth.
To the gorillas, whales, dolphins, horses, rabbits, doves, frogs, pelicans, fish,
... shellfish, turtles, trees, bears, elephants, wolves, mountains, planktons,
corals, ferns, butterflies, bats, bees, algae ... to ALL living creatures ... I am sorry. Please forgive me, I love you! Thank you! Please forgive me. Thank you.
and all living creatures in the waters, skies, and lands of this Earth.
To the gorillas, whales, dolphins, horses, rabbits, doves, frogs, pelicans, fish,
... shellfish, turtles, trees, bears, elephants, wolves, mountains, planktons,
corals, ferns, butterflies, bats, bees, algae ... to ALL living creatures ... I am sorry. Please forgive me, I love you! Thank you! Please forgive me. Thank you.
Jacques Yves Cousteau said: "the educational benefit of watching a dolphin in captivity would be like learning about humanity only by watching prisoners in solitary confinement. If you take a captive animal out of the wild and you force him to do stupid tricks for our amusement, it says more about our intelligence than it does theirs."
No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Compassion may be seen as the highest form of love, for it is the love of the divine whole for all its parts and is reflected in the love of the parts for each other.
It includes the urge to act to relieve the suffering of apparent others, and this urge requires us to evolve greater wisdom and inner freedom to relieve suffering more effectively.
Compassion is thus both the fruit of evolution and the driving force behind it.
Love yearns for greater love.
Dr. Will Tuttle
By far the greatest volume and intensity of cruelty to animals is due directly to we humans purchasing and eating meat, dairy, and eggs. The most effective personal action we can take to reduce animal suffering is clearly to reduce and hopefully eliminate all animal-sourced foods. Not only is this better for our health and for the Earth's ecosystems, but it also frees animals from enslavement and slaughter, and wildlife from extinction due to habitat loss -- (growing grain and grazing animals cause forest destruction, and feeding livestock fishmeal causes overfishing and aquatic extinction).
This recent video documentary by PetaIndia shows that even in India, the birthplace of the concept of ahimsa (nonviolence and compassion for all life), the dairy industry is a source of enormous violence and suffering for the cows born into it. The Indian dairy industry is the largest in the world, with both large-scale and small-scale production. As we have seen in the USA, even on small-scale dairies, imprisoning animals for food brings out the worst in people. This is of course true in India also, even in the states where killing cows for meat is forbidden. We see that the production of meat and dairy hardens the hearts of workers to the plight of these innocent beings.
Please, consider giving up all animal foods if you haven't already, and encourage others to do the same. Thanks!
May all beings, including all people, be happy and free.
With Love and peace from Will Tuttle
That you are born in a huge place but in a tiny cage, among many other fellow humans, living in miserable conditions with no place to walk or even stretch your limbs.
IMAGINE that at some point during your caged, confined sickness and miserable life, you’re also getting ARTIFICIALLY impregnated by large beings using painful tools.
Time and time again, way beyond your NATURAL cycle of becoming NATURALLY pregnant.
You are now pregnant and after you’ve delivered your child in these harsh conditions, and after a very brief time connecting with your child and during lactating time, your child is being brutally kidnapped right in front of your eyes and with nothing you can do to protect your child.
You are needed to be constantly PREGNANT so your breasts can be constantly milked with artificial, painful machineries until you become to sick to even want or be able to defend yourself or to fight back.
You cannot breastfeed your baby because your baby will drain off all of your needed milk for those beings consumption, which keep you captive.
Your baby becomes a BYPRODUCT of your own milk and so it is disposed off through slaughter houses, becoming FOOD for the same beings who kidnapped your baby.
As you no longer can produce enough milk, you too become a byproduct of your own milk and someday will be forced to walk the same terror filled path into the slaughterhouse, lined up behind and in front of your fellow humans, awaiting your turn to be slaughtered.
Such is the very life of our smaller brothers and sisters, planetary co habitants in animal bodies who are being used as FOOD sources.
Make right to them. Go veg.
I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters
and all living creatures in the waters, skies, and lands of this Earth.
To the gorillas, whales, dolphins, horses, rabbits, doves, frogs, pelicans, fish,
... shellfish, turtles, trees, bears, elephants, wolves, mountains, planktons,
corals, ferns, butterflies, bats, bees, algae ... to ALL living creatures ... I am sorry. Please forgive me, I love you! Thank you! Please forgive me. Thank you.
and all living creatures in the waters, skies, and lands of this Earth.
To the gorillas, whales, dolphins, horses, rabbits, doves, frogs, pelicans, fish,
... shellfish, turtles, trees, bears, elephants, wolves, mountains, planktons,
corals, ferns, butterflies, bats, bees, algae ... to ALL living creatures ... I am sorry. Please forgive me, I love you! Thank you! Please forgive me. Thank you.
Masaru Emoto
I also send my apologies and healing to all farm animals who are sacrificing their lives to live in absolute horror so humans can learn that compassion needs to include everything. Laurie Turunen
Needless Suffering
Learning to look the other way brings spiritual death in everyone who practices it.
In encouraging it, religious institutions show how far they have strayed from the passionate mercy and all-seeing kindness taught and lived by those whose spiritual evolution and illumination inspired the institutions themselves.
May all beings be free and at peace, Will
All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?” ~ Buddha
A Prayer for Farmed Animals
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all farmed animals ― Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens; cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses.
We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.
We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
~ Judy Carman
Joe Bucks: "And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was the inexplicable injustice complaint, the appeal against the unnecessary cruelty"
From: Fabian Gonzalez Oconitrillo
Share this picture please ... "And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was... the inexplicable unfairness complaint against the appeal against the unnecessary cruelty "
this time I took pity on me and I felt the worst junk in the world.
STOP THE BULL !!!!!!!! TORERO Palabé WERE THE ANIMAL TO SEE THAT took pity on him and begged him to do the same for THE !!!!.... stronger than the image of God, xq countries enjoy the suffering of others !!!??
From: Fabian Gonzalez Oconitrillo
Share this picture please ... "And suddenly the bull looked at me. With the innocence of all animals in his eyes, but also with a supplication. It was... the inexplicable unfairness complaint against the appeal against the unnecessary cruelty "
this time I took pity on me and I felt the worst junk in the world.
STOP THE BULL !!!!!!!! TORERO Palabé WERE THE ANIMAL TO SEE THAT took pity on him and begged him to do the same for THE !!!!.... stronger than the image of God, xq countries enjoy the suffering of others !!!??
this bull could've ripped apart in million pieces this poor creature in human body...YET, here he is, looking at him, even TRYING TO SOOTH HIM!! It doesn't get any more DIVINE than this! this is the SPANISH people KARMIC MISSION to end what... they have supported for too long! Humans are deeply indebted to the ENTIRE animal kingdom! May ALL beings be free, healed and happy!
humanity is FINALY coming out of its LONG amnesia and soul numbness...this picture breaks my heart and makes me cry yet AGAIN feeling the PURITY of such powerful beings who almost never lowered their Divine Sentience to deal with human perpetrators at THEIR regressed spiritual level...
even in their immense suffering, THESE MAJESTIC BEINGS know how to teach us lessons...treating their intelligent oppressors with HEART, SOUL AND DIGNITY, more than we can ever imagine is possible :( CHRIST lives IN THEM more than in most people...their exemplary behavior speaks volumes and more than any modified scriptural books...
no matter how much we'd cry, nothing can come even close to the suffering these children of the same God, in animal forms have endured and still are, at our "humane" hands...may they FOREVER be blessed, healed and shielded from further harm (((♥))) and to those who believe they are SUPERIOR to animals, look long at this picture, place (mentally) in this BEING's situation for a moment and ask yourself WHAT would YOU have done in HIS (THE BULL'S ) SITUATION?
How shocking, the victim soothing the predator with the arrows piercing through his body L how much humanity has yet to learn from these gentle giants and all other animals…this is an extremely high vibrational photo with immense power to transform consciousness in mankind in powerful ways.
THANK YOU to the amazing bull who is teaching humanity TRUE compassion, WISDOM and PUREST form of DIVINE LOVE and FORGIVENESS, I will never get over this story.
Let us not forget ALL other animals who are teaching us so much through their forgiveness of the abuse endured in human hands WITHOUT retaliating…when most humanity would’ve never stand to such forms of abuse without fighting back… a very sad but true story. THANK YOU to this Earth Human Angel who has saved Fadjen and all other animals and for his amazing activism to make this murder sport history ♥
with the blood$ they've made from destroying these souls, the matadors should put it to karmic good use, team up, abandon this "blood sport" and buy up land where they could free and HEAL the imprisoned and traumatized bulls...
picture posted on Facebook by:
De: Fabian Oconitrillo Gonzalez
Comparte esta imagen por favor..."Y de repente e...l toro miró hacia mí. Con la inocencia de todos los animales reflejada en los ojos, pero también con una imploración. Era la querella contra la injusticia inexplicable, la súplica frente a la innecesaria crueldad"
esta vez el me tuvo pìedad a mi y me senti la peor basura del mundo.
BASTA DE CORRIDAS!!!!!!!! FUERON LAS PALABARAS DEL TORERO AL VER QUE EL ANIMAL TUVO PIEDAD DE EL Y LE SUPLICABA QUE HICIERA LO MISMO POR EL!!!!....que imagen mas fuerte por Dios, xq paises disfrutan del sufrimiento ajeno!!!??
Comparte esta imagen por favor..."Y de repente e...l toro miró hacia mí. Con la inocencia de todos los animales reflejada en los ojos, pero también con una imploración. Era la querella contra la injusticia inexplicable, la súplica frente a la innecesaria crueldad"
esta vez el me tuvo pìedad a mi y me senti la peor basura del mundo.
BASTA DE CORRIDAS!!!!!!!! FUERON LAS PALABARAS DEL TORERO AL VER QUE EL ANIMAL TUVO PIEDAD DE EL Y LE SUPLICABA QUE HICIERA LO MISMO POR EL!!!!....que imagen mas fuerte por Dios, xq paises disfrutan del sufrimiento ajeno!!!??
This Week’s Video
This gentle giant was saved from being forced to participate in the barbaric bull-fighting practice. Now, he lives in peace with someone who recognizes that these animals are not brute machines or commodities, but gentle, sensitive and intelligent creatures. This bull is now a companion... not entertainment and certainly not food. Please visit
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all farmed animals ― Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens; cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses.
We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.
We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
~ Judy Carman
Christian Vegetarian Association
With eternal LOVE and GRATITUDE to Fadjen and all of the other abused gentle giants bulls for all the physical emotional and mental trauma they have suffered at human hands and for the Divine wisdom they are teaching humanity through living example. Watching a corrida from outer space, ET's must ponder and wonder WHO is the intelligent, wise and kind of BOTH these beings? And it ripples in endless ways for endless other sentient beings in endless other areas of our lives. The slaughterhouses and animal farms for our “food”, shoes, clothing and furniture…the zoos, marine parks, working animals, circuses, pet stores, lab experiments, the rain forest birds kept in tiny city cages, the hunted ones and many others! May your hearts and souls be forever healed, at peace, free and happy!
Fadjen - Pablo Knudsen – 2011
The Universal GOLDEN RULES, created to be respected by ALL beings towards ALL beings!
Thou shall not steal, thou shall not kill, thou shall not exploit, thou shall not lie, thou shall not bear false witness, thou shall not desecrate the body, thou shall not hate, thou shall not harm, thou shall not be greedy, thou shall not invade the privacy of others. Thou shall not worship money or false idols, Blessed r those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they shall see the kingdom. Do not be mislead into mistakes. Have fortitude, discipline and a clear mind.
Meet the Scared Dog That Only Wanted a Hug
New offering: Prayer Circle for Monday
Today, let us send our prayers to all farmed animals.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all farmed animals―Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens; cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses.
We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression. We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you.
Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Today, let us send our prayers to all farmed animals.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all farmed animals―Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens; cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses.
We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression. We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you.
Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman) - our daily VegInspiration For The Day - our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update - our new online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training
Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle
Original watercolor painting by Madeleine Tuttle
New offering: Prayer Circle for Tuesday
Today let us send our prayers to all the “companion animals” suffering homelessness, abuse, and/or lives in breeding mills.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all “companion animals” who are suffering at the hands of human beings.
Dear dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits, snakes, mice, turtles, birds, ferrets, sugar gliders, frogs, and so many others. We pray for you that you may have peace and joy in this precious life of yours.
Some of you want to live free of human interference, and some of you truly want to be part of your human family. We bear witness to your suffering; we do what we can to end your suffering and to encourage others to do the same; and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the cruelty and oppression of each of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Today let us send our prayers to all the “companion animals” suffering homelessness, abuse, and/or lives in breeding mills.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all “companion animals” who are suffering at the hands of human beings.
Dear dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits, snakes, mice, turtles, birds, ferrets, sugar gliders, frogs, and so many others. We pray for you that you may have peace and joy in this precious life of yours.
Some of you want to live free of human interference, and some of you truly want to be part of your human family. We bear witness to your suffering; we do what we can to end your suffering and to encourage others to do the same; and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the cruelty and oppression of each of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Today let us send our prayers to all animals vivisected in laboratories and classrooms.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all animals used in experiments.
Dear primates, dogs, cats, mice; rats, pigs, lambs, rabbits, frogs, and all of you who are imprisoned in cages, tortured in useless experiments, separated from your loved ones, and suffering constant pain, fear, and loneliness, sometimes for many long years.
Dear ones, we bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.
We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
New offering: Prayer Circle for Thursday
Today let us send our prayers and love to all aquatic animals.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the water beings living in the seas, lakes, and rivers. Dear fish, whales, dolphins, crabs, lobsters, starfish, jellyfish, shrimp, coral, and all the other amazing beings who make the waters of earth their home.
Your homes and your very lives are being devastated by huge fishing fleets, by trash, oil, sewage, runoff, and other poisons dumped into your waters, by cutting off your fins, and by capturing you and your loved ones for aquariums and the pet trade.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it permanently, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Today let us send our prayers and love to all aquatic animals.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the water beings living in the seas, lakes, and rivers. Dear fish, whales, dolphins, crabs, lobsters, starfish, jellyfish, shrimp, coral, and all the other amazing beings who make the waters of earth their home.
Your homes and your very lives are being devastated by huge fishing fleets, by trash, oil, sewage, runoff, and other poisons dumped into your waters, by cutting off your fins, and by capturing you and your loved ones for aquariums and the pet trade.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it permanently, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
New offering: Prayer Circle for Friday
Prayers for wild animals being trapped, hunted, caged and/or killed for fur, flesh, leather, trophies, the pet trade, etc., and for wild animals being forced into stress and extinction due to loss of habitat.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all free-living animals.
Dear bears, foxes, cougars, deer, alligators, wild horses, prairie dogs, primates, mink, bison, beavers, elephants, birds, fish, and all the other magnificent beings born in freedom and suffering now at the hands of human beings, living in fear of human beings, and mourning the loss of loved ones who have been tortured and either imprisoned or killed.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it forever, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. We send our tears and prayers on wings of love to you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Prayers for wild animals being trapped, hunted, caged and/or killed for fur, flesh, leather, trophies, the pet trade, etc., and for wild animals being forced into stress and extinction due to loss of habitat.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all free-living animals.
Dear bears, foxes, cougars, deer, alligators, wild horses, prairie dogs, primates, mink, bison, beavers, elephants, birds, fish, and all the other magnificent beings born in freedom and suffering now at the hands of human beings, living in fear of human beings, and mourning the loss of loved ones who have been tortured and either imprisoned or killed.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it forever, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. We send our tears and prayers on wings of love to you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
New offering: Prayer Circle for Saturday
Prayers for animals enslaved in entertainment, such as, zoos, circuses, rodeos, aquariums, theme parks, canned hunts, etc.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the beings used in the human entertainment industry.
Dear dolphins, whales, horses, bulls, elephants, bears, lambs, pigs, sea otters, fish, elks, deer, rhinos, hippos, alligators, snakes, polar bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, chimpanzees, and all of you who are incarcerated when you want your freedom so much; who remember your parents being killed so that you could be captured; who are forced often with whips, chains, and electric prods to perform unnatural tricks; who are treated without respecting the dignity of your true nature.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to bring it to a permanent end, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
Prayers for animals enslaved in entertainment, such as, zoos, circuses, rodeos, aquariums, theme parks, canned hunts, etc.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the beings used in the human entertainment industry.
Dear dolphins, whales, horses, bulls, elephants, bears, lambs, pigs, sea otters, fish, elks, deer, rhinos, hippos, alligators, snakes, polar bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, chimpanzees, and all of you who are incarcerated when you want your freedom so much; who remember your parents being killed so that you could be captured; who are forced often with whips, chains, and electric prods to perform unnatural tricks; who are treated without respecting the dignity of your true nature.
Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to bring it to a permanent end, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
( 7 daily prayers by Judy Carman)
New offering: Prayer Circle for Sunday
Prayers for the nations of insects and other small creatures.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the tiny beings who live in the soil, the trees, the water, and the air, creating harmony and balance with your songs, your pollinating of flowers, your graceful flight, your mysterious transformations, and your miraculous ability to literally create soil in which new plants can take root.
Dear dragonflies, bees, wasps, butterflies, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, cicadas, crickets, spiders, ants, and all of you who suffer immeasurably at the hands of people who do not understand the miracle of who you are, who poison you, stomp on you, and destroy your homes.
You are so small, and many of us who do care about you find ourselves bringing you harm. We ask for your forgiveness and your help and together we bear witness to your suffering, take action to permanently end it, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
Prayers for the nations of insects and other small creatures.
May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all the tiny beings who live in the soil, the trees, the water, and the air, creating harmony and balance with your songs, your pollinating of flowers, your graceful flight, your mysterious transformations, and your miraculous ability to literally create soil in which new plants can take root.
Dear dragonflies, bees, wasps, butterflies, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, cicadas, crickets, spiders, ants, and all of you who suffer immeasurably at the hands of people who do not understand the miracle of who you are, who poison you, stomp on you, and destroy your homes.
You are so small, and many of us who do care about you find ourselves bringing you harm. We ask for your forgiveness and your help and together we bear witness to your suffering, take action to permanently end it, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you.
Our love is all around you. Compassion encircles the earth for each of you and for all beings.
Angel of light, fill my heart with love and respect for all life forms. Help me recognize the Divine in all things so that by thought, word and action, I align with the highest will. Strengthen my intention to live my life according to the purest vision. At the same time open me to compassion for those who transgress the Spiritual Laws. Amen.
The Bull Who Cried:
Knowing it was about to be slaughtered, a bull in Hong Kong did what many people fail to realize or are skeptic about when it comes to animals - he showed emotion.
As reported by "Weekly World News", a group of workers walked a bull to a packaging factory. They were about to slaughter him to make steaks and beef stews. When they were close to the front door of the slaughter house, the sorrowful bull suddenly stopped going forward and knelt down on his two front legs. The bull... was all in tears.
How did he know he was going to get killed before he entered the slaughter house? He is even smarter than people.
Knowing it was about to be slaughtered, a bull in Hong Kong did what many people fail to realize or are skeptic about when it comes to animals - he showed emotion.
As reported by "Weekly World News", a group of workers walked a bull to a packaging factory. They were about to slaughter him to make steaks and beef stews. When they were close to the front door of the slaughter house, the sorrowful bull suddenly stopped going forward and knelt down on his two front legs. The bull... was all in tears.
How did he know he was going to get killed before he entered the slaughter house? He is even smarter than people.
Mr. Shiu, a butcher recalled, "When I saw this kind of so-called "stupid" animal sobbing and with his eyes in fear and sorrow, I started trembling." "I called the rest over to see. They were just as surprised. We kept pushing the bull forward, but he just didn't want to move and sat there crying."
Billy Fong, owner of the packaging factory said, "People thought animals didn't cry like human beings. However that bull really sobbed like a baby." At that time, more than ten strong men witnessed the scene and they were all touched. Those who were responsible for slaughtering even felt more touched and teared as well.
Other workers working at the same slaughter house also came to see the crying bull. It was all packed with people. They were all shock by this scene. Three of them said they would never forget this crying bull when they slaughter other animals.
Billy Fong, owner of the packaging factory said, "People thought animals didn't cry like human beings. However that bull really sobbed like a baby." At that time, more than ten strong men witnessed the scene and they were all touched. Those who were responsible for slaughtering even felt more touched and teared as well.
Other workers working at the same slaughter house also came to see the crying bull. It was all packed with people. They were all shock by this scene. Three of them said they would never forget this crying bull when they slaughter other animals.
With both man and animal crying, everyone knew that nobody could kill the bull. The problem was, what should they do with him? In the end, they raised funds to buy this crying bull and sent him to a temple, where the kind monks would take care of him for life.
After the workers had made a decision, a miracle happened. A worker said, "When we promised this bull that we will not kill him, he started moving and followed us."
How did he understand people's words?
Mr. Shiu said "Believe it or not? This is real although it sounds unbelievable." No doubt, this bull changed these butchers' lives.
Hopefully this story has in turn changed yours.
Posted by Jace K.
After the workers had made a decision, a miracle happened. A worker said, "When we promised this bull that we will not kill him, he started moving and followed us."
How did he understand people's words?
Mr. Shiu said "Believe it or not? This is real although it sounds unbelievable." No doubt, this bull changed these butchers' lives.
Hopefully this story has in turn changed yours.
Posted by Jace K.
such a heart wrenching awakening story, among countless untold many...may Love conquer and open all hearts and minds of human kind, helping them to return to their original KIND state of existence
A Life Changing Story About What We Eat and Why It Matters... – YouTube
Un toro reconoce entre cientos de personas a quien le cuido y le dio de comer
STORIES that change the WORLD
WHY VEGANISM is healing the world
Dog Ready to Be Killed Just Wanted to Be Loved - This is Beautiful
"Two blind persons wanted to drink water at the RagiGudda temple, Bangalore.When they were unable to operate the tap, this mother monkey opened the tap for them, allowed them to drink water, drank some water herself and then closed the tap before leaving the scene"!/photo.php?fbid=169443326475140&set=a.144060985680041.38754.100002284207039&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=169443326475140&set=a.144060985680041.38754.100002284207039&type=1&theater
Kindness, I've discovered, is everything in life.
~Isaac Bashevis Singer
~Isaac Bashevis Singer
May 4 is International Respect for Chickens Day, and the month of May is International Respect for Chickens Month. This day and month were launched by United Poultry Concerns
8 years ago. UPC has great brochures and posters you can order to use at educational events to help people make the heart/mind connection that chickens are friends not food.
It's not quite May yet but several of us had the opportunity to hand out literature, display art, share vegan food, and speak out for chickens to a diverse group (many non-vegans) on Saturday, April 21. Ours was a response to "The Story of Chickens-A Revolution."
This was an art project orchestrated by Amber Hansen. Her purpose was to create dialogue about urban chicken raising and to get people thinking about the animals they eat. Her original plan was to display the chickens in public places for a month and then kill and eat them at the closing event.
As it turned out, we didn't have to perform a chicken rescue, because the city prohibits both the public display and killing of chickens in city limits. So instead we had an opportunity as voices for the chickens to explain what beautiful beings they are, not here for us to use, but here for their own reasons. One point made was that the true "revolution" is not about so-called "humane" killing, but rather about becoming a non-violent species that cares for rather than destroys life.
I tell the story in "Then I met chicken" about a little chicken who literally saved her people, including a toddler from being attacked by a dog. She flew at the dog, flapped her wings and pecked at his face until he ran off, allowing the people enough time to get inside their home.
All through May (and beyond, of course) let us be especially mindful of the billions of chickens who suffer endlessly every single day. They are prisoners of war on a scale never seen prior to this century. And while we send comfort and love from our hearts to theirs, let us also receive the peace and strength we need to carry on. The healing balm for the heartache of knowing what we know is that we See, not only their suffering, but also the radiant truth of who they are-our sacred brothers and sisters. As Paul Seymour Maybe JC (was a vegetarian)
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy
Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to
uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves.
Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this
prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:
Just when we think we have heard all the worst atrocities human beings are perpetrating on animals, another one appears. In Defenders of Wildlife spring, 2012, magazine, there is a photo of fully alive horseshoe crabs lined up, each one clamped in a vice above a stainless steel counter, while their blood drips into bottles beneath them. This is done to over half a million crabs each year. I gasped when I saw. I didn't know. After some of their blood has been stolen, they are reportedly returned to the ocean. However, their numbers are declining, and biologists suspect this horrific treatment greatly reduces the likelihood they will survive once returned.
This sort of horror can only be conceived of and implemented by someone who has not questioned the prevailing cultural mindset of vampiric domination; the anthropocentric assumption that all others are things for certain human beings to use. This is the root of the suffering of all innocent animals and the devastation of the earth.
This is the foundation of our prayers for all beings-that the human heart awaken to reverence for all life. Once awakened, such violence will be unthinkable by all, just as it is unthinkable to us now. As Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote: "Even in the worm that crawls in the earth there glows a divine spark. When you slaughter a creature, you slaughter God."
May all beings, including all people, be happy and free.
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy
Cow Proves Animals Love, Think, Act & Feel | Consciousness TV
You and I want to love and be loved; we really don't want to hurt, or violate, or kill. We used to believe that we had to do that to live; we were trained to accept violence as normal. Now we know there are alternatives. Now we can leave behind our inherited patterns of brutality and domination, creating together a better world for all beings. ~Billy Ray Boyd (Photo is of Kathy Stevens)
The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit. All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual's sensibilities in relation not only to one's fellow humans everywhere, but to all things whatsoever. ~Ashley Montague
Animal advocates commonly must deal with a terrible burdon of grief that increases as we become more and more aware of the extent of the abuses and indifference that farmed animals face each day. Our anger, frustration, and sadness can be overwhelming. That's why I used to give myself some "quiet time" each morning to "connect" with farmed animals and let them know I'm with them... and to set my intention to do something to help. I also allowed time to grieve for the animals and grieve over the fact that I had been a part of the problem for so long. I found it a great way to release anger and resentment, and to help me become a more positive and effective voice for our animal friends. Don Robertson
Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ~Andrew Boyd
"Many years ago, I was fishing, and I was reeling in the poor fish, I realised, I am killing him - all for the passing pleasure it brings me."
"Something inside me clicked. I realised, as I watched him fight for breath, that his life was as important to him as mine is to me." -- Sir Paul McCartney
"Billions of fish die every year in nets and on hooks. Some are destined for human consumption, many are tortured just for "sport," and others are unintended victims who are maimed or killed simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Many years ago, I was fishing, and I was reeling in the poor fish, I realised, I am killing him - all for the passing pleasure it brings me."
"Something inside me clicked. I realised, as I watched him fight for breath, that his life was as important to him as mine is to me." -- Sir Paul McCartney
"Billions of fish die every year in nets and on hooks. Some are destined for human consumption, many are tortured just for "sport," and others are unintended victims who are maimed or killed simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"When fish are yanked from the water, they begin to suffocate. Their gills often collapse, and their swim bladders can rupture because of the sudden change in pressure. Numerous scientific reports from around the world confirm that fish feel pain. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow studied the pain receptors in fish and found that they were strikingly similar to those of mammals; the researchers concluded that "fish do have the capacity for pain perception and suffering."
Wings are for flying, NOT frying!!!
This is what chicken wings are for - protecting their young.. they are not food!
Animals are not numbers, they are individuals. He or she might not have had a name but they had a personality and a family and a desire to live. Just because you didn't know them it doesn't mean that they weren't worth knowing. (jb)
Why Vegan? Lessons From An Animal Scientist
The face, beauty and lives behind our FOODS
these are only the BEFORES and AFTERS pictures of these sentient magnificent beautiful, all loving, intelligent, fun and freedom loving, consciouss beings..what is intentionally mising from this album is the BETWEEN the BEFOREs and AFTERs...aka the trip to and through the hellhouse, aka slaughterhouse...
these are the lives interrupted that were or could've been, behind our fancy named "foods": the veal parmigianas, the racks of lamb, the fois du gras, the beef tartar, the peking duck, the angus burgers, the regular burgers, the "happy" meals, the hotdogs, the turkey, chicken and pot roasts, the ham and delis...
for adding such shocking and traumatic pics, and videos, would shake the very ground of your current beliefs and conditioning systems in a few seconds...redefining NORMAL and NATURAL...a simple google to the movie "Earthlings" will help you to decide if animal products are natural to consume by learning their origins...then, take a virtual or a physical trip to a near by fruit orchard and vegetables farm and spend some time meditating, contemplating and praying to tap into the TRUTH about the NATURAL source of our foods, FREELY GIVEN by our Creator through Mother Earth as FRUITS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES, SEEDS, NUTS and GRAINS, then visit a slaughterhouse or watch EARTHLINGS (for even 15 mins) and MAKE the is so easy, a simple mental virtual trip will just do...
this album depicts FOR MOST PART the SHORT, UNFULFILLED, UNFINISHED LIVES that could've been and the dead matter that has become of them...which becomes us (as we are what we think, fel, eat and do)
how many of these animals you trully believe they've been alowed to LIVE COMPLETE, FULL LIVES and to go in peace, by NATURAL CAUSES aka OLD AGE?
the ONLY "humane" meat would derive from such a body of an animal who has lived his/her full life, passed by natural causes, left his/her body behind and we, humans, we'd take it right away and consume it while saying a gratitude prayer for it...
"humane" slaughter..."free range" is just another myth, for it still takes a brutal way to end that "free range" life and force the soul outside of body through a tremendeous fear based trauma just before and during the killing act, since animals are far more intuitive (spiritually attuned to their higher senses) than humans and sense way ahead of time that their end is near and that they are raised to be used...
look at all these magnificent "free" cows, see and feel their sadness...even those living a bit longer lives in an open field, knows through COLLECTIVE consciousness the faith of all other cows...fear, tension and dep sadness is the most common feeling in these beings eyes...
for parents insisting they need to feed animal products to their children, because it is the NATURAL way to do so, contemplate for a minute in your mind's eye and in your heart what would it be like taking a trip WITH your child to where the food you feed your child and yourself with comes from...aka a slaughterhouse...just like a strawberry field pick your own trip...check with your heart and mind...feel and think what they would it be like and how your child would be affected by witnessing the "food" processing in a slaughterhouse (helpful clue: watch the movie EARTHLINGS in private for easier visualisation) and find out for yourself if it still feels natural to consume animal asking ourselves WHERE does our food comes from, how was it produced before you buy and consume it... from and only imagining taking a trip to the source of your food, it instantly clarifies and REdefines what is and resonates as "NATURAL" or UNnatural...the answer to everything is always WITHIN...we just need to know how to ask/where to look for it
we can break free from our mental, emotional, physical, cultural, religious, societal, familial addictions to MEAT FOODS. Our... entire history, religious celebrations, births, baptizings, weddings, retirements, wakes, traditional, national, community, and everything else in between have been deliberately and RITUALISTICALY created AROUND A DEAD SENTIENT BEING BODILY FLESH as CENTERPIECE on our FESTIVE tables.
Behind all our laughters and celebrations, songs and dances, there it was…the silent, tormented, trauma energy infused, anguish filled life and death of LIVING BREATHING SOULs and BODYs on our tables, in our plates, then in our minds, hearts, bodies and consciousness, radiating it back into the world, time and again, via RESONANCE effect (MORPHIC FIELD) as EVERYTHING is ENERGY including thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, actions and matter.
The time to AWAKEN and HEAL as ONE has come., from our individual, social, cultural, planetary traumas, learn the TRUTH, Unlearn the OLD and embrace our spiritual EVOLution through our FOOD rEVOLution.
we can break free from our mental, emotional, physical, cultural, religious, societal, familial addictions to MEAT FOODS. Our... entire history, religious celebrations, births, baptizings, weddings, retirements, wakes, traditional, national, community, and everything else in between have been deliberately and RITUALISTICALY created AROUND A DEAD SENTIENT BEING BODILY FLESH as CENTERPIECE on our FESTIVE tables.
Behind all our laughters and celebrations, songs and dances, there it was…the silent, tormented, trauma energy infused, anguish filled life and death of a LIVING BREATHING SOUL and BODY.
The time to AWAKEN and HEAL as ONE has come., from our individual, social, cultural, planetary traumas, learn the TRUTH, Unlearn the OLD and embrace our spiritual EVOLution through our FOOD rEVOLution.
WHO is for dinner tonight?
FOOD, the most dangerous weapon of mass control WILL and FOOD
This stunning sculpture by Liu Qiang is an accurate depiction of humanity's use of, and utter dependence on other animals and, in particular, the savage and bizarre habit of consuming the breast milk from mothers of other species—milk that ...these mothers have produced for their own babies, babies that we forced them to become pregnant with only to kill shortly after birth so that we can take the bereft mother's milk, milk that we drink as though we were the children that we murdered. Live vegan. There is no excuse not to. ~ Joanna Lucas
29h59'59 Liu Qiang is on exhibition at the 798 Art District in Beijing, China.
Photo by Ng Han Guan
Photo by Ng Han Guan
Milk Comes from a Grieving Mother
Dairy is a Death Sentence
The "Humane" Animal Farming Myth
HUMAN SPIRITUAL evolution through FOOD
PLANT or ANIMAL based foods?
Animal liberation WORLD rEVOLution
COMPASSION and Animals
FARM ANIMALS beauty, intelligence and consciousness in VIDEO
Animal farmers awakening and healing
Spiritual counseling for hunters and animal farmers
Poem to the AWAKENing
S.O.U.L. Academy
World Peace Diet
Religion, Animals and VEGetarianism
Christian Vegetarian Association
Jesus was a Vegetarian: Biblical and Historical Proof
SPIRITual EVOLution through FOOD rEVOLution
Throughout our history, human beings have killed millions of our own kind in the name of power, politics, and religion. Over this same period, people have also killed billions of animals in the name of food, clothing, science, entertainment, and convenience.
As we look around the world today, we can't help but notice that violence toward both humans and animals has become, for many people, a socially acceptable form of human behavior.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
If we look back at the words of some of our greatest leaders, we'll find that people like Gandhi, Buddha, and Albert Schweitzer all spoke with great conviction about the importance of living our lives guided by the principles of non-violence and compassion. In fact, it was Schweitzer's firm belief that until man extends his circle of compassion to include all beings, he himself would not find peace.
There is a principle in Tibetan Buddhism known as Bodhicitta. It teaches us to extend loving kindness and compassion toward all beings, without exception. The way this principle is taught, is that each of us is asked to look inside ourselves and recognize two universal truths. The first is that both humans and animals strive to find pleasure, comfort and safety in their lives. The second: we both seek to avoid pain, suffering, and death.
Imagine, if you will, what kind of world it might be if each of us embraced a lifestyle guided by the principles of non-violence and compassion toward all beings - without exception.
Imagine what kind of world it might be if parents, for example, spoke with their children at an early age about why they've chosen not to kill animals for food or clothing, or for any other reason, and that they do not believe in the use of violence as a means of solving problems between people or between nations.
In the words of Bradley Miller: "Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar."
In closing, I'd like to share with you a short poem, written by the Buddha several hundred years ago, which I believe best captures the spirit of the message I'd like to leave you with today:
All beings tremble before violence.
All love life.
All fear death.
See yourself in others.
Then whom can you hurt?
What harm can you do?
Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to
uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves.
Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this
prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:
Compassion means to "suffer with" or, at least, to have sympathy for those who suffer. As activists whose hearts have been opened and as people who have borne witness to some of the worst atrocities human beings have ever committed, we are faced with an extraordinary challenge and opportunity.
By opening our hearts to all beings we simultaneously align ourselves with the Love Energy of God or one could call it the Divine Life Force that dwells in all. Yet, in doing so, the suffering of the animals, the earth, and exploited human beings catches up to us and can feel absolutely overwhelming. It can cause us to consider trying to forget about it all even though we know there is no turning back-not really. But it is the heart that is wounded and broken by its "suffering with" that has within it the seed of Awakening and the power to "be the change."
How do we live with this? Is there a way to stay in balance, to stay aligned with Life and Love, to demonstrate the joy of being connected and truly alive without falling apart daily with each new revelation of cruelty and violence?
We need tools to keep our balance. Some of these include: pacing ourselves; allowing ourselves time to celebrate life and time to mourn; meditation; physical exercise; finding a community online and at home of vegans dedicated to nonviolence; dedicating ourselves to a specific action or actions that give us a sense of "doing something" and yet remaining unattached to the outcome; spiritual reading that is uplifting; spending time each day looking at something beautiful and being in nature feeling the heartbeat of earth through our bare feet (unless, of course, it's really cold).
We are bombarded with ads and signs and news that promote cruelty and violence, and that can drag us into the abyss of seeing only that. It is essential that we not contract our hearts. For example, every time we see a barbeque sign with a smiling pig with a fork in his hand on it, instead of getting angry and disgusted, let us think of the happy pigs living in peaceful sanctuaries and say a loving prayer for all the others. Loving thoughts from our hearts will heal this world.
Let us always remember, we are now in alignment with the Unconditional Love of the Universe. From that sacred place, we can rise above personal pain and do what we came here to do.
May all beings, including all people, be happy and free.
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy
Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to
uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves.
Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this
prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:
As Father's Day approaches this week, it gives us an opportunity, not only to honor our relatives and friends who are fathers, but also to honor fathers of other species. The timing of Dad's day is interesting since, for species, other than humans, many are tending to their new babies right now. Father birds are helping mother birds to guard and feed their tiny chicks. Beaver dads and prairie dog dads are playing with their little ones and teaching them survival skills. Who knows what stories they may tell them at bedtime or what lullabies they might sing.
We know now, after so much research has been done on animal sentience and emotion, that we cannot possibly deny that there are intricacies and sweet intimacies that many father animals share with their youngsters.
Mother animals in labs, animal agriculture, slaughterhouses, fur farms, puppy mills, and in other miserable situations are suffering from rape and from the continual loss of their babies. Father animals suffer likewise. I think of the father wolves watching in agony as their families, babies included, are shot from helicopters; the father gorillas attempting in vain to protect their families from poachers; the father prairie dogs unable to stop the poisoning of their entire clans by farmers.
Fathers in the agricultural industry are routinely raped for their semen and are never given the opportunity to live out their natural longing to protect and nurture their families. Roosters who are allowed to live with hens and see their babies hatch certainly seem to celebrate the event.
As our prayers and our actions continue to awaken humanity to this ongoing war against innocent mothers and fathers and babies, let us hold in our hearts this week a special place for the father animals of earth. We send them peace; we send them truth; we send them love-and a message-we will not give up until you and your families are all together and free.
May all beings, including all people, be happy and free.
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy
to do nothing - to say nothing - changes nothing -“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” –Unknown
"I've always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don't fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. And somehow we humans think we're smarter—what a joke".
- Pink
- Pink
♥.¸¸.•´¯`»✿◕♥ Buddhist quotes
„Being a vegetarian makes it easier for us to increase our loving kindness and compassion.“Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu Udumbara Flowers, Book II
... „All living things fear being beaten with clubs. All living things fear being put to death. Putting oneself in the place of the other, Let no one kill nor cause another to kill.“Dhammapada verse no. 129
„You should know that these people who eat meat may gain some awareness and may seem to be in samadhi, but they are all great rakshasas. When their retribution ends, they are bound to sink into the bitter sea of birth and death. They are not disciples of the Buddha. Such people as these kill and eat one another in a never-ending cycle. How can such people transcend the Triple Realm?“from the Shurangama Sutra
„Being a vegetarian makes it easier for us to increase our loving kindness and compassion.“Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu Udumbara Flowers, Book II
... „All living things fear being beaten with clubs. All living things fear being put to death. Putting oneself in the place of the other, Let no one kill nor cause another to kill.“Dhammapada verse no. 129
„You should know that these people who eat meat may gain some awareness and may seem to be in samadhi, but they are all great rakshasas. When their retribution ends, they are bound to sink into the bitter sea of birth and death. They are not disciples of the Buddha. Such people as these kill and eat one another in a never-ending cycle. How can such people transcend the Triple Realm?“from the Shurangama Sutra
Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is—whether its victim is human or animal —we cannot expect things to be much better in this world. We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity. ~Rachel Carson
"My doctrine is this: that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and we do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt."
- Anna Sewell, (English Novelist)
- Anna Sewell, (English Novelist)
"Everything is Energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the Reality you want, and you cannot help but get that Reality. It can be no other way. This is not Philosophy. This is Physics." words by Albert Einstein ♥
We had four cows and two calves, and after a few months, we took in a 4-year-old mare named Diva. The night she arrived, I was so worried about her that I couldn't sleep... I went out to the pasture to keep an eye on her. I sat very still, watching her until sunrise. Everything was so quiet that I think the animals forgot I was there. Then I witnessed something extraordinary: The cows formed a single-file line, and one by one they touched noses with the new horse as a greeting. The calves wouldn't approach on their own, so one of the cows nudged them forward. Each of the babies touched the horse's nose, then jumped around and played like little children.
I started crying and thought, I can't possibly keep eating these animals. Before that moment, I wouldn't have fathomed cows doing something like that. I was forced to confront the fact that I had chosen to remain ignorant of their nature because it was just easier that way. Over the next year, I stopped eating all animals and animal products. I always thought going vegan would be difficult, but I genuinely don't crave meat or cheese. And I feel happier, like I'm contributing to making the world a less violent place. Before that morning on the
I started crying and thought, I can't possibly keep eating these animals. Before that moment, I wouldn't have fathomed cows doing something like that. I was forced to confront the fact that I had chosen to remain ignorant of their nature because it was just easier that way. Over the next year, I stopped eating all animals and animal products. I always thought going vegan would be difficult, but I genuinely don't crave meat or cheese. And I feel happier, like I'm contributing to making the world a less violent place. Before that morning on the
farm, I ranked an animal's value based on how "human" it was. Now I don't judge other beings that way—every animal has its own intelligence and sensitivities. They're all lovely, worthwhile, and deserving of our respect. ~Portia De Rossi
✦☸✦ What is it that makes us human?
Is it the ability to walk on two feet or our capacity to think and reason? For many eons humanity has slumbered in an unconscious state and we have somehow strayed into a prison of our own making because of it. Our very make-up has been distorted and we are slowly engineering ourselves towards extinction. We have now reached a point however, when we are starting to realise that we need to awaken from this deep slumber and for the sake of our planet - and all life upon it - become the conscious, morally responsible and compassionate beings that we are all capable of evolving into. ~
Is it the ability to walk on two feet or our capacity to think and reason? For many eons humanity has slumbered in an unconscious state and we have somehow strayed into a prison of our own making because of it. Our very make-up has been distorted and we are slowly engineering ourselves towards extinction. We have now reached a point however, when we are starting to realise that we need to awaken from this deep slumber and for the sake of our planet - and all life upon it - become the conscious, morally responsible and compassionate beings that we are all capable of evolving into. ~
"When we suffer, we suffer as equals, and in their capacity to suffer, a dog is a pig is a bear is a boy. . . Animal rights today is now the greatest social justice issue since the abolition of slavery."
~ Philip Wollen, Australian businessman & philanthropist
~ Philip Wollen, Australian businessman & philanthropist
If the practices of your culture, tradition, heritage, religion, family, community, government, media, advertising, FOOD industry and economic system -- don't support COMPASSION and NON-VIOLENCE...It is time to WAKE UP -- THINK for YOURSELF. Remember that time of sweet childhood innocence - when in your gut and in your heart YOU KNEW the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. Earth and all its beings can no longer endure the betrayal of our conscience.
Karrel Christopher
If the practices of your culture, tradition, heritage, religion, family, community, government, media, advertising, FOOD industry and economic system -- don't support COMPASSION and NON-VIOLENCE...It is time to WAKE UP -- THINK for YOURSELF. Remember that time of sweet childhood innocence - when in your gut and in your heart YOU KNEW the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. Earth and all its beings can no longer endure the betrayal of our conscience.
Karrel Christopher
Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. ~St. Francis of Assisi
When our dietary choices involve involve eating "someone" rather than "some thing", it becomes our moral obligation to find out if that's truly necessary.
"A Menu of Love", by Don Robertson
You are diseased in understanding and religion.
Come to me, that you may hear something of sound truth.
Do not unjustly eat fish the water has given up,
And do not desire as food the flesh of slaughtered animals,
Or the white milk of mothers who intended its pure draught for their young, not noble ladies.
And do not grieve the unsuspecting birds by taking eggs;
for injustice is the worst of crimes.
And spare the honey which the bees get industriously from the flowers of fragrant plants;
For they did not store it that it might belong to others,
Nor did they gather it for bounty and gifts.
I washed my hands of all this; and wish that I
Perceived my way before my hair went gray!
~Al-Ma’arri, blind Arab philosopher, poet and writer (973-1058).
Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to
uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves.
Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this
prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:
A member of our Amazing Prayer Circle for Animals, Shannon Murphy, suggested I write an Affirmative Prayer for the elephants, Tembo and Sunda at the Topeka Zoo in Kansas, and for the individuals charged with deciding their fate. (For more information go to Shannon and my sister Anna and I visited the gate of The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee in May and, in the tradition of affirmative prayer, welcomed Tembo and Sunda to their new home.
Affirmative prayer is somewhat unique in that instead of asking for changes, one affirms that the desired change already exists in truth and that we are open to it being manifested into the material world.
This is my suggested prayer (with input from Will):
Tembo and Sunda have been held against their will at the Topeka Zoo in Kansas for decades, many of those years in chains. The zoo staff and the City Council and City Manager have the power to send them to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, and they have not done so. Nevertheless, this situation has no real power. Only love and truth have permanent, eternal, and real power. The truth is that Tembo and Sunda are created to be free, and the true and loving outcome for Tembo and Sunda already exists on the spiritual plane and is already taking form. Together we give thanks and open our minds and hearts to fully and completely understand and know that the loving outcome is totally and completely real and inevitable. Together we give thanks as we feel and know that the City Council, City Manager, and the zoo staff are right now opening their hearts to the truth of Tembo and Sunda's beautiful lives as beings who are inherently free and deserving of respect, dignity, and kindness. Together we feel our oneness with the universe, with the infinite presence of Love, and with the answered prayer, and we release it with joy to the nurturing care of Spirit.
Please feel free to use this prayer pattern for other issues as well. It is especially powerful to include the human beings who may be apparently causing suffering to an animal or many animals. For the truth in Spirit is that they too are beings of love and of light waiting to manifest their true nature.
What a joy it is for me to belong to this circle of prayer with all of you. Thank you from my heart to yours-we are all connected in Divine Love and Truth.
May all beings, including all people, be happy and free.
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy
Planetary healing from the ground up
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